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Creating Apps

Add and Configure an App

We will take an example of the Visit Report App in which an app designer wants to collect data from the field employees.

Add an App

Go to your dashboard by visiting your Workplace (<yourcompany> and click on the “New App” button.

Add and Configure an App

You will be taken to the ‘Design App’ where you can create the app interface.

Add and Configure an App

Configure an App

We recommend going through the App designer components in this link before proceeding to the next part.

Add a section

A section wraps a group of software modules. Click on Add Section and give a name to it on the right panel or to configure it. The section will contain the different blocks to capture information.”

Add and Configure an App

Configure relevant modules

Click on the + buttons to add new modules (customer name, address, etc.) and configure them from the right panel.

Add and Configure an App
Add and Configure an App

Here are some of the modules available in the module popup:

  1. Single Line Text: This is used to collect data that may have one line answers like names, emails, numbers, websites, city, etc.
  2. Multi-line Text: This is used to collect data that can have multiple lines like address, notes, comments, observations, descriptions, etc.
  3. Drop Down: This is used to give your end-users an option to select one item from a pre-defined list of items. two drop downs can be nested as well. For example, you can give a list of countries in the first drop down and the second drop down can have a list of cities only from the selected country.
  4. Single Selector: This is very similar to the drop down above but preferred in cases where you want all selectable items visible to the end-users. This doesn't have the nested feature like a Drop Down.
  5. Multiple Selector: This is used where there are multiple items to select.
  6. Date Selector: This is used to provide an option of date selector for the end-user.
  7. Time Selector: This is used to provide an option of time selector for the end-user.
  8. Camera, Image & Files: Add this block to achieve a use case in which the end-users need to upload files (image, videos or documents) or open the phone camera directly to capture an image.
  9. GPS Location: Add this block if you want your end-users to input a GPS location. You can also configure it in a way that the end-users can't modify their exact GPS location.
  10. Calculations & Logic: This is one of the most powerful modules. You can use it to add calculations and logic using the formula syntax of Excel. It is very similar to the Excel formula bar but uses the module reference number in place of the Excel cell reference.
  11. Unique Numbering:  Using this block, you can have a unique, incremental and patterned reference id for each submission in your app. This is used for generating invoice numbers, work order numbers, customer reference ids, etc.
  12. GET Data from other Apps: You may have multiple apps in your Workplace. You can use this block to pull data from any other app into the current app. For example, you can have a separate customer master and let the user search the customer by name and then pull all other details against that name.
  13. Text, HTML & Embedding: This is used when you have read-only texts to be displayed (like instructions), embed images and videos from external sources, embed another Clappia app into the current app, etc.
  14. Attached files: This is different from the Camera, Image & Files module mentioned in point number 8. This is used to attach a file for the reference of the end-users. These files will be available to them whenever they open an app. This is used when you have instructions and guides for the end-users.
  15. Validation: This is used to check for duplicate entries before creating a submission or check for custom validation and display an appropriate message.

Next: Add Workflows

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