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Data Processing Blocks

Unique Numbering Block

Use the Unique Numbering block in the App Design to provide a field for the end users to automatically allot the Sequential Numbering to any entity.

The entity maybe - Invoice, Product, Tag, Serial, ID, Application, Receipt, Token, Bill, Order etc.,.

Unique Numbering Block

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Editing the Block

Click on the Unique Numbering block. A Right Panel for editing appears on the right side.

Start editing the fields from the Right Panel on the right side.

Unique Numbering Block
Unique Numbering Block


Label is positioned above the Input block and it is the Heading which conveys to the end user that this is a Unique Numbering block.

According to the user requirements, the App Designer can rename the Label, to: Invoice, Product, Tag, Serial, ID, Application, Receipt, Token, Bill, Order etc.,.


Description is positioned below the Input block which further explains the end user about the Unique Number that will be generated after submission.

Description is an optional field.

NOTE - Since the Unique Numbering block is an Auto-Generate feature, it doesn’t require the user to enter any Data into the Input block here.


The App Admin can define a fixed or a dynamic prefix with which the Unique Number will start. For Example, if the prefix is defined as CLP, then the unique numbers generated will be CLP001, CLP002 and so on. The prefixes can also be dynamic using other variables of the App. For example, if the prefix is set as INV-{city}-, the values generated will be INV-BLR-001, INV-BLR-002, INV-HYD-001, INV-HYD-002 and so on.

Minimum Length

The App Designer will enter the maximum number of characters a Unique Number can have. This count includes both Prefix and Starting Sequence Number.

Starting Sequence Number

The App Designer will enter a number and it is followed as a sequence for the succeeding submissions

Display this field if

Enable this option to show/hide the Unique Numbering block in relation with another Input block.

Width of the block

Set the size of the block in terms of width (100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%) according to your app requirements.


Unique Numbering Block
Example of Unique Numbering Block

Consider, the end user wants to generate the first Employee ID as - emp0001

Prefix - emp

Minimum Length - 7

Starting Sequence Number - 0001

Unique Numbering Block

Unique Numbering Block

Employee ID generated will be emp0001

Further Submissions are followed with emp0002, emp0003, emp0004... and so on.

Important Notes for the App Designer

1. If the end user does not want any Prefix’ then it can be left blank.


Prefix - 

Minimum length - 5

Starting sequence number - 002

Unique Numbering Block

Sequential Unique Number generated will be - 00002,00003,00004 and so on.

Unique Numbering Block

2. If the Minimum Length field is left blank then the Unique Number generated will add leading zeros automatically as needed.


Prefix - xyz

Minimum length - 

Starting sequence number - 2

Unique Numbering Block

Sequential Unique Numbers generated will be - xyz2, xyz3, xyz4 and so on.

Unique Numbering Block

3. If the Starting Sequence Number field is left blank then the Unique Number generated will be starting from 1 by default.


Prefix - xyz

Minimum length - 5

Starting sequence number -  

Unique Numbering Block

Sequential Unique Numbers generated will be - xyz01, xyz02, xyz03 and so on.

Unique Numbering Block

4. If all the fields (Prefix, Maximum Length, Starting Sequence Number) are left blank then the Unique Number generated will be starting from 1 by default.

Prefix - 

Minimum length - 

Starting sequence number -  

Unique Numbering Block

Sequential Unique Numbers generated will be - 1,2,3 and so on.

Unique Numbering Block

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