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Data Processing Blocks

AI Block

This article explains the Get Data from AI block that can be used to design an app.

AI Bock

Use Case Examples

  1. Quality assurance
  2. Cleanliness audits
  3. Safety gear analysis
  4. Inventory identification without scanning codes
  5. Crop Health Detector

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Editing the Block

Click on the block and start editing on the panel that appears on the right side.

Editing the Block

Editing the Block


This is what appears as the label for the dropdown that shows the list of the items from the master app. Usually people provide labels such as "Display the item", "Calculate total score", etc.

AI Model

Editing the Block

Select the ChatGPT model for this step. Different models are available, allowing you to experiment and find the one that provides the most accurate or relevant responses for your task.


Description is positioned below the Input block which explains to the end user about the data that will be generated once they click on the Get Data from AI.

Description is an optional field.

NOTE - Since the Get Data from AI block is an Auto-Generated feature, it doesn’t require the user to enter any data into the block.


Configure the AI block by typing in the exact instructions to display the data that is needed.

For example, to fetch data from external sites, detect and display details in uploaded images or even perform calculations on uploaded files and images. 

You can also use field variable names to make the AI analyse inputs from different app fields present.

Note: Tweak your instructions to get the required results before distributing the app to users.

Example 1: To calculate the total score in a checklist uploaded using the Camera, Images & Files block.

Blocks used: Camera, Images & Files block, Get Data from AI block.

Instructions: Check the scores in {upload_sc} under the score coloumn and calculate the total score. Display only the final value out of 100.

Camera, Images & Files block, Get Data from AI block.
clappia ai
clappia ai
clappia ai

Example 2: Detect cleanliness of a room.

Blocks used: Camera, Images & Files block, Get Data from AI block.

Instructions: Check if the room in {upload_ima} is clean or not. Display only yes or no.

clappia ai
clappia ai

Example 3: Detect the distance traveled by a vehicle by checking the odometer.

In cases where the value is in between changing to the next increment, some OCR may not be able to detect it accurately. But the Get data from AI will be able to detect it accurately.

Blocks used: Camera, Images & Files block, Get Data from AI block.

Instructions: In {upload_ima}, check the trip distance traveled in the odometer and only display the distance. If it is about to change, display that distance instead.

clappia ai

Here, the distance, in the image, is about to change from 144.2km to 144.3km .

clappia ai


Enable this option to tell the user that it is a compulsory field. Without generating the output of this block, users will not be able to make a submission if enabled.

Advanced Options

clappia ai

Display this field if

Enable this option to show/hide the Get Data from AI block in relation with another Input block. It accepts the standard Clappia Formulae, similar to conditional sections.

Allow value to be changed after initial submission

Enable this to allow the field value to be changed after submission


This is a beta version of the AI service, available on a trial basis to all users. It is not included in any plan. For pricing on real use cases, please contact us. This AI service is powered by OpenAI's ChatGPT, which sends data via API calls. Use implies agreement with OpenAI's terms and conditions.

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